Webview2 download
Webview2 download

If you clone the repo, you can update your local copy using git commands or features of various Dev apps. You can then download another, updated copy of the repo later. zip file), you get a snapshot copy of the repo. There are two repos containing WebView2 samples: A prerelease SDK enables testing your app against the latest APIs, and trying out the latest APIs. The preview channels of Microsoft Edge are required in order to use a prerelease version of the WebView2 SDK. The minimum required version is 82.0.488.0.

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Install any Microsoft Edge Insider (preview) Channel (Beta, Dev, or Canary) on a supported operating system (OS):.Install a preview channel of Microsoft Edge sln file, to install the platform-appropriate workloads. Visual Studio will prompt you later, when you open a particular. If you are installing Visual Studio, you can accept the defaults for now you can click Install, and then decline installing the Workloads at this time. The WebView2 samples are designed for Microsoft Visual Studio, not Microsoft Visual Studio Code. If a sample was created using Visual Studio 2019, you should build and run the sample in Visual Studio 2019, before using the sample in Visual Studio 2022. Most of the WebView2 samples were created and tested using Visual Studio 2019. Install Visual Studio 2015 or later, such as Visual Studio Professional 2019, or Visual Studio 2022 Community edition. Some Getting Started tutorials point here for preliminary setup steps, and then add platform-specific or project-specific setup steps.

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This article covers general-purpose setup of your development environment for WebView2 development.

Webview2 download