How to remove skype sign in name
How to remove skype sign in name

bat file remained in the Scripts folder, so I left it. Powershell Remove-AppxPackage -Package "Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.63.76.0_x86_kzf8qxf38zg5c" Powershell Remove-AppxPackage -Package "Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.61.100.0_x86_kzf8qxf38zg5c" In the RemoveSkype.bat, I had the following lines to remove the 2 current versions of skype, and then to delete the task called RunOnce (created in step 1): SCHTASKS /CREATE /SC ONCE /RU UserNameHere /TN RunOnce /TR “C:\Scripts\RemoveSkype.bat” /ST 21:30 The RemoveSkype.bat file was a resource added to the toolbox:

how to remove skype sign in name

This created a single task that executed as the local user at a specific time and then never runs again. I created a toolbox with the following script line. Prerequisites: I already have an account on each PC with the same ID/Password that made this possible. The Remove-AppxPackage cmdlet removes an app package from a user account. Remove-AppxPackage -Package “Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.63.76.0_x86_kzf8qxf38zg5c”ĭ Remove-AppxPackage (appx) I was able to fix it by running this (it has no effect other than forcing the package manager to re-initialize), then re-run the initial command The issue is the package manager is in a bad state. On some machines I had errors running this command: Remove-AppxPackage -Package “ "$AppToBeRemoved”" -AllUsers $AppToBeRemoved = Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SkypeApp* -AllUsers | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PackageFullName Having issues with an one-liner passing over the package name - wip) Get-ADUser -Identity “username” | select SID (domain) Remove for a specific user (requires SID) Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | where | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -ErrorAction Silentl圜ontinue Remove it from the Provision as well so it doesn’t get reinstalled

how to remove skype sign in name

Get-AppXPackage Microsoft.SkypeApp -AllUsers* - (to test if it was removed) Remove-AppxPackage -Package “Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.63.76.0_x86_kzf8qxf38zg5c” -AllUsers Get-AppXPackage Microsoft.SkypeApp* -AllUsers (to see who has it and get the package name) Remove for all users by exact package name The following works fine in 1909 (I was actually working on this today): The article logic is indeed correct, but the commands are not

How to remove skype sign in name